Tuesday, October 17, 2017

October Horror Movie Challenge - Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Synopsis: When a zombie outbreak happens, survivors decide to hole up in a local mall.

The Good: For a zombie flick, I think the acting in this one is quite solid. I actually either legitimately cared about cast members or just really wanted to see them dead. I think that's needed for a good horror flick. Another good thing about this movie is that it's bloody and dark, but has some great moments of levity. It also has one of the greatest covers of all time. Listen to it here

The Bad: I don't like fast zombies. It's a personal preference, but they're just not my thing.

Final Thoughts: This one is weird for me. Zack Snyder directed it and I don't typically like his stuff. I normally don't dig remakes. Also, I don't like fast zombies. All that being said, this is one of my favourite zombie flicks. It's not my number one favourite, but is in the top 10. 

In Your Game: 

Fast Zombies

AC 7 [12]   HD: 2    Attacks: bite (1d6) Special: Immune to sleep, charm, infection Move: 12

Anyone bitten by a fast zombie will become one upon death, unless their brain is destroyed. Every day a character is infected they must making a saving throw at the start of the day. If they fail, their maximum hit points is permanently lowered by 1d3 hit points.

New To Me Movies Watched: 17
Total Movies Watched: 27


  1. The original was my "road to Damascus conversion" movie (Ahhh! That's why people like horror!) as a teenager, therefore I was predisposed to like this when it first came out. I didn't know Zack Snyder then, so there was no baggage, and I embraced the idea of fast zombies (variety, right?) And I love it to this day, as a very well made modern zombie flick.

    1. I love the idea of a horror movie being a "road to Damascus conversion."

      It is a phenomenal movie. I didn't have the Zack Snyder baggage then.

    2. I was a timid teenager, who'd had several traumatic exposures to "video nasties" at a young age (ie Evil Dead and Texas Chainsaw Massacre - ironically now two of my favourite horror movies), who only watched horror movies with our 'gang' as I didn't want to look wimpy in front of the girls.

      It was watching Romero's Dawn Of The Dead when something clicked and I suddenly realised that this movie (and, later I would discover, others of the genre) was actually really exciting... and nothing was come out of the screen and eat my brains!
